Vincent is a multidisciplinary designer excited about functional aesthetics and creative collaboration.


Roots: Ways of Making

Book design
APR 2024
4.75”x7.75”, Softcover, 450 pages, perfect bound.

Roots explores the visual beauty and complexities of the Chinese language through a variety of typography and form driven projects in print mediums. 

This inquiry and book acts as a source from which more avenues surrounding graphic design and Chinese culture can be explored by Asian American students and designers alike. In it are documentations of processes for my projects made for my BFA Thesis. I hope that these can serve as a visual guide on developing more systems to approach Chinese American design. One of the goals is to expand, grow, and innovate the ways in which communal perspectives can be facilitated through design. If nothing else, enjoy this book & thesis as a feast for the eyes and grow roots of your own through seeing and making.

Published on Draw Down Books.